Campus Decarbonization Framework

Working across its 24 campuses, we are working with California State University to create a roadmap to Carbon Neutrality.


In 2018 we began working with CSU Long Beach to develop a strategic road map for becoming a carbon neutral campus by 2030. From there, we've moved on to assisting CSU with its system-wide decarbonization.


To meet its commitment to achieving carbon neutrality across its entire system of campuses, CSU partnered with Glumac to develop a system-wide decarbonization framework to reduce GHG emissions from fossil fuel (natural gas)-based systems. To do this, we developed various resources to empower the CSU system to make informed, data-driven decisions to meet its decarbonization goals.

To meet its commitment to achieving carbon neutrality across its entire system of campuses, CSU partnered with Glumac to develop a system-wide decarbonization framework to reduce GHG emissions from fossil fuel (natural gas)-based systems. To do this, we developed various resources to empower the CSU system to make informed, data-driven decisions to meet its decarbonization goals.

Design Guidelines: This document provides recommendations for developing a CSU design standard for decarbonized building. Decarbonized heating technologies require a change from industry standard design guidelines, and as climate change continues to impact California, it is increasingly important for campuses to understand their local weather and climate conditions and how these may differ from industry standard practices.

Technology Review Report: This report developed a database of low-to-no carbon heating technology options, including key information for designers and facilities staff. It provides information on physical capabilities, limitations, and design considerations for various technologies that can be incorporated into a holistic campus decarbonization strategy. This includes detailed considerations for potential phasing and implementation issues for campuses looking to transition existing heating infrastructure.

Policy Review Report: The policy report provides a comprehensive inventory and summary of federal, state and local policies affecting building decarbonization, including those from government, nonprofits, regulators, utilities, and peer organizations such as the University of California.

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Creating Interactive Dashboards

Learn how our energy team works with clients to create interactive dashboards to help them make data-based decisions to meet their carbon drawdown goals.


Conceptual Decarbonization Guidelines: This document provides conceptual recommendations that matches existing CSU infrastructure, capital plans, and planning processes. The guidelines provide a universal framework for CSU campuses to approach the process to decarbonize existing fossil fuel systems. Glumac analyzed decarbonization strategies and phasing options to establish general recommendations to cost effectively transition existing CSU infrastructure to low-to-no-carbon heating systems.

Simultaneous Heating and Cooling Study: Glumac provided a simultaneous heating and cooling study for all 23 campuses to understand the heat recovery potential at central utility plants. By using submeter data, inverse energy modeling, and predictive analytics, Glumac developed a central utility plant scenario planning tool that allows campuses to optimize heat recovery strategies and reduces GHG emissions.

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Tool: The Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) tool provides planners and decision-makers a standardized framework for assessing low-to-no carbon heating solutions, compared to business as usual. The Excel-based LCCA tool includes default data from other project tasks, simple user inputs, clearly defined assumptions, and the ability to fully expand and customize input choices and assumptions in the future.

Modeling & Compliance Guidelines: These guidelines established energy modeling guidelines to assist design teams with navigating the Title 24 compliance process for decarbonized building.

The Process

Result: Reduction in Natural Gas Consumption

Glumac's energy team provided recommendations include onsite solar energy generation and system electrification to significantly reduce CSU's reliance on natural gas.


GHG Emissions Mitigation Strategies

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Solar Photovoltaics

Shifting utility rate structures across CA will adjust the economics of solar, but PV can still be a cost-effective investment.
System Electrification
Campus electrification is recommended to be a fundamental part of CSU's long-term carbon neutrality plans. CA Senate Bill 100 will provide carbon free electricity by 2045.
LED Lighting
LED lighting retrofit projects should be prioritized in the near term. They are cost effective projects and minimally impactful to campus operations - but the energy impacts can be immediate and powerful.
HVAC Retrofits
HVAC retrofit investments should be made over the next 12 years leading up to 2030. Glumac identified HVAC retrofit opportunities were identified across each campus.
Zero Emission Vehicles
Electric vehicles should be prioritized for future purchases. Diesel grounds equipment is most difficult to mitigate – electric grounds equipment pilot program recommended.
Funding & Financing
There are numerous funding/financing sources available. A long-term funding plan will improve capital outlay for energy-efficiency investments across campus.
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